Anhinga Gallery


Found in the southeast United States from Texas to the Carolinas, the Anhinga is a large, slender waterbird with a long neck, long tail, and dagger-like beak.




Anhinga’s distinctive shape has earned it two nicknames, “water turkey” for its turkey-like tail, and “snake bird” for its long snake-like neck as it slithers through the water.




Unlike most waterbirds, Anhingas do not have waterproof feathers.  While that may seem like a disadvantage for their watery lifestyle, their wet feathers and dense bones help them slowly submerge their bodies under the water so they can slyly stalk fish.




Therefore, when taking a break, Anhingas do need to spread their wings to dry them inbetween fishing.





The Anhinga is in a small family of birds known as “darters”.  There are three other species of darters on the globe; one in Africa, one in Asia, and another in Australia.



