Cedar Waxwings

The gorgeous Cedar Waxwing is a year-round bird for Maryland, but I’ve never lived where there were such an abundance around me to get to see them almost daily until these past six months.

This past week I’ve been having computer woes, ugh.  So to make things easier on me and get a post uploaded, I’m going to share photos I happen to have of Cedar Waxwings from two days mid-November that never made to post before.

This flock was at least 75 in count.  On Nov 15, I found them zipping around inside my crepe myrtles.  And then I saw more on our house roof.  That’s when I ran for me camera.


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Cedar Waxwing


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Cedar Waxwing immature


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“We’re up here too!”


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I know I’ll never forget waxwings on my roof!

The next day, I had walked over to the downed cornfield next to us to bird and had another huge flock fly past me.


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They then turned around and came back at and directly over me, it was pretty cool!


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The flock then descended into the persimmon tree grove between our two properties.


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Reaching for that berry……


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Got it!


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Thanks for making it this far, that was a lot of photos!

By the way……I saw my first Osprey two days ago, and I’ve seen three more since!

