Swallow-tailed Kite

My last post shared my added lifer, #202 the Burrowing Owl, from yesterday morning.

Would you believe I saw another lifer within a half hour of the Burrowing Owl?  I did!!   😊

Welcome to my lifer list, #203 the Swallow-tailed Kite!  I have seen these beautiful aerial acrobats in flight several times in the last couple months but was never able to stop and get a photograph.

This time a Swallow-tailed Kite wasn’t in flight, but perched right alongside the road for me to see AND where there was ample space to pull over.  My adrenaline was a-pumping!

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Swallow-tailed Kite


The kite was performing it’s morning yoga wing stretching……


….fluffin’ up and tail stretching.



I departed with a big thank you and huge smile, leaving the Swallow-tailed Kite to its morning ritual.

Two new lifers within a half hour, what a great morning!