Crab Abstract


I got distracted while birding yesterday.  It happens!  😏

I took this photo from the Briggs Boardwalk, shooting down into the orange-colored water below me.  Everything in the water looked orange.  Including this Blue Crab who should really be blue/green.

This is the actual photo.  I did not do any editing other than darken the exposure a bit to see the crab better.  There are no filters applied.  With the water’s dancing movement, the reflections of the marsh grasses directly behind the crab and the blue sky created an abstract of interesting lines and colors.


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Blue Crab (orange in color)


There were several ‘orange’ Blue Crabs running around in the foot of water.  With everything laying in the water looking the color orange, I’m guessing there was a high concentration of iron in that specific area.  Along the rest of the boardwalk and other water/wetland areas, the rest was the normal dark brown/black, brackish coloring.

I have a fondness for blue crab decor, so I totally love this cool, nature-created abstract!

